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Vision and Values

Vision, Values and Aims

As a Roman Catholic School, Saint Anne’s is a community of Faith and Learning which provides a happy, safe, healthy and inclusive environment where everyone is respected. We strive for excellence through the development of each person’s God given talents.

We strive to:

  • Develop a culture of respect through promoting the qualities of compassion, empathy and forgiveness
  • work together in partnership to provide the very best learning experiences,  enabling everyone within the whole school community to achieve their full potential.
  • have high expectations and encourage a culture of achievement.
  • to be committed to nurturing  the  self-esteem and confidence of all, through developing individual talents and potential.
  • ensure everyone connected with our school feels  warmly  welcomed  and a valuable part of the community  which is having a positive impact on young people’s lives.

In Saint Anne’s Primary School our values are important beliefs about how we should behave.

Our 5 common Values which underpin everything we do are:

  • Respect-We respect ourselves and others equally. We consider the feelings and rights of others. We are always polite and have good manners.
  • Honesty- We always tell the truth and act truthfully.  We always strive to do what is right.
  • Kindness-We are always considerate and generous towards others.  We put others first and strive to go the ‘extra mile’ to help.
  • Perseverance- We work hard and do not give up, even when things are difficult.  We never say ‘I can’t’.  ‘If at first we don’t succeed, we try, try, try again!’  Robert the Bruce
  • Peace- We work towards creating peace- peace in our hearts and minds, peace in our school, peace in our homes and community and peace throughout the world.

‘Peace perfect peace, is the gift of Christ our Lord.’