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Active Learning
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Active Learning

In Saint Anne’s we are working on Active Learning in order to support our children’s development.


Active Learning is learning which engages and challenges children’s thinking using real-life and imaginary situations.  It takes full advantage of the opportunities for learning presented by;


  • Spontaneous play
  • Planned, purposeful play
  • Investigation and exploring
  • Events and life experiences
  • Focused learning and teaching


Supported when necessary through sensitive intervention to support or extend learning.  All areas of the curriculum can be enriched and developed through play.


Active Learning and the Four Capacities


Active learning in the early years can support children’s development of the four capacities in many ways.  For example, they can develop as:


  • Successful learners through using their imagination and creativity, tackling new experiences and learning from them, and developing important skills including literacy and numeracy through exploring and investigating while following their own interests.


  • Confident Individuals through succeeding in their activities, having the satisfaction of a task accomplished, learning about bouncing back from setbacks, and dealing safely with risk.


  • Responsible Citizens through encountering different ways of seeing the world, learning to share and give and take, learning to respect themselves and others, and taking part in making decisions.


  • Effective Contributors through playing together in leading or supporting roles, tackling problems, extending communication skills, taking part in sustained talking and thinking, and respecting the opinions of others.